Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Can the NFL Do?- Conclusion

Over all, humans are known to like a little bit of action mixed with some violence for their entertainment, which is what the business of the NFL likes to offer.  Fans pay money to watch some good contact football for entertainment.  The problem is that now that the NFL has done some research on head injuries and realizes the need to keep their players safe, the league also doesn’t want to make the fans unhappy because the fans are one of the main factors that makes this business work.  The National Football League can help keep their players safe and keep their fans happy by implementing some new technology and ideas, and also by enforcing some rules already in place.  The NFL can do this by creating and implementing a new helmet, upgrading testing technology and procedures, enforcing the penalty on the field, and designing a governing system to handle punishment.  All of these ways will both help with players safety, but also keep the people who spend their money on the sport happy and entertained.
  The new helmet that was created this year, plus the new testing technology and procedures will help to get the players back on the field faster, which will make the fans happy.  Fans are starting to understand the seriousness of this issue, so they will not be as upset with the penalty strongly enforced on the field to help protect the players, especially if the penalty is fair and called correctly.  Also, the fans will like the idea of a panel to review the hits and determine punishment because they would then know that many opinions were used to enforce correct punishment, not just one man’s opinion.  Bottom line here is that the game itself will always be played at a vicious and fast pace that will still lead to big hits (especially because a big hit can be made without causing a concussion) and spectacular plays, which is what the fans want.  All in all, concussions and head injuries can lead to many problems down the road for football players and the issue needs to be addressed and taken care of, but at the same time, the game itself should not change too drastically so that the fans continue to spend their money and keep the business rolling.  

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