This year's Sprite NBA Slam Dunk Contest compltetly made up for last year's humiliation. See last year, some of the more big name players (Lebron) were supposed to come out and make the contest more interesting, but instead some players backed out and made it one of the worst dunk contests I have ever witnessed. It was even worse than my home town's 3 on 3 tournament's dunk contest. Honestly, there was just no "wow" factor last year and I thought that the dunk contest should just be dropped, but this year, as once said on the movie Dumb and Dumber, they completely redeemed themselves. There was way more creativity to this year's contest compared to last years. There was a dunk with two hoops, a dunk with 3 basketballs, a dunk with a teddy bear grabbed with a mouth, a dunk from the free throw line, and finally, a dunk over a car. Over all, the whole contest was better, not just the competition and the creativity, but the way they sold it was even cool; each dunker had a coach, and then most of the time they brought in props, or someone to help them out (even a choir was brought in for the car dunk). Bottom lline here is that I thought that the NBA and TNT raised the bar for the dunk contest for years to come, and as a fan of the NBA, I am impressed.

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